Category Archives: About the Campaign
An armistice day message from Steve Lau, founder and Chair of the ensuring We Remember Campaign
One hundred years ago today the fighting in Europe stopped and the guns fell silent. Like people the world over, the Chinese celebrated the arrival of peace: a three day national holiday was announced in China. As the sounds of the last gunfire faded, it is hard to imagine what thoughts ran through the minds …

A short note on numbers and who we will commemorate on the Memorial Huabiao
The number of 96,000 is, as best we can estimate, the correct number of Chinese recruited into the Chinese Labour Corps. It is a number we have agreed with Dr Gregory James, the world’s foremost authority on the Chinese Labour Corps. The figure of 140,000 is sometimes used. This figure is the approximate figure (perhaps …
The Birth of the Memorial Huabiao
Today, Tuesday 24th April, 2018, a specialist team went to a carefully selected quarry in Hunan Province surveying the various exposed marble rock faces. After careful consideration one location within the quarry was selected. It will now take 15 days to quarry the huge pieces of marble required to produce the Memorial Huabiao.
Prime Ministers gives message of support to the Campaign
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A 360 degree update.
The Campaign team are busier than ever and the workload is ever increasingly complex as different areas of activities interact, deadlines loom and expectations rise. Fundraising has been an incredible success with donations being received from across the UK. Although the majority of donations have been made by members of the Chinese community, not exclusively …
Spring Festival Generosity
We’re so happy to share a few examples of the wonderful responses we are getting to our fundraising efforts. 當英國各地華人團體紛紛慶祝春節的來臨,他們也沒有忘記為一戰華工建碑計劃捐助,英华中文学校師生和家長£690.50, 福建同鄉會£1,200, 英國天津同鄉會£500, 倫敦普通話簡體字學校師生和家長£500. 感謝大家的支持和衷心的祝頌建碑能早日實現! When Chinese groups from all over Britain celebrated the arrival of the Spring Festival, they did not forget to donate money for the First World War Chinese Labourers Project. The teachers …

Building of the UK’s National Memorial to the Chinese Labour Corps Confirmed.
Three years into a campaign for a UK National Memorial to the Chinese Labour Corps, the Ensuring We Remember Campaign has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Chinese development company ABP (London) Investment Limited (ABP) for the memorial to be constructed as part of the centrepiece of ABP’s £1.7bn development of a new business district …

Chinese Centenary Commemoration Toolkit
The Ensuring We Remember Campaign if spearheaded by a coalition of major UK Chinese non-profit organisations. To mark today’s centennial anniversary of China declaring war on Germany we reflect on the position of the Chinese community in the UK, whilst launching our Centenary Commemorations Toolkit. Today the Chinese community holds a privileged position in the …

Corfflu Llafur Tsieineaidd
Lansio ar Ddydd Gŵyl Dewi: Hanes anghofiedig y llafurwyr Tsieineaidd yn ystod y rhyfel byd cyntaf i gael ei adrodd yn gyfrwng y gymreag.
New Year Message from the Campaign’s Chair
It is over two years since the Campaign was launched. Our expectation was that we would achieve our primary objective of building a national memorial to the 96,000 volunteers of the Chinese Labour Corps within three years, boldly announcing our intention to unveil the memorial on the 14 August, 2017, the centennary of China’s declaration …
“确保我们永记” ——记英国华人纪念一战中国劳工的“立碑运动”(下)
作者:本报记者 林卫光《光明日报》(2016年12月13日) 【特别关注】 华裔政治家、英女王副官陈德良先生介绍说,他们为“立碑运动”设立了官方网站,制作了20多种语言的视频,在英国各地举行宣传和研讨活动,种种努力终于开始得到回报。他们最近陆续得到英国中央和地方政府的一些积极表态和支持,进入到筹款阶段。 陈德良向记者展示了英国文化部国务大臣布拉德莱日前写给他和同事们的一封支持信。布拉德莱在信中说:“我们纪念他们(华工)并承认他们对一战的贡献,这非常重要。他们当中有很多人贡献出了自己的生命,对于你们为唤醒人们觉悟所做的一切,我表示欢迎。” “英国华人社会论坛”主席史蒂夫·刘告诉记者,除了文化部之外,他们还得到英国社区和地方政府部门的支持。他还透露,在伦敦市议会也有多名议员支持这项方案,将有助于不断提醒伦敦市长萨迪克·汗履行竞选承诺。史蒂夫称,为一战华工竖立纪念碑,这是萨迪克·汗对伦敦华人社团的政治许诺。 史蒂夫介绍,竖立纪念碑主要有三大项工作:选址、设计、筹款。目前,设计方案已经确定,纪念碑将是一座高9.6米、重29吨的汉白玉大理石华表,每1厘米代表100名华工。华表将面向中国山东省,因为这是华工登船离开故乡的地方。华表底座的浮雕将展示4个主要故事情景:招募和威海卫登船,西行之旅,劳工在前线,清理战场、和平会议、返乡。 关于筹款,陈德良向记者提供的预算报表显示,纪念碑预算为25万英镑。他们正在通过慈善晚宴、拍卖等各种形式筹措资金。他表示,如果中国企业愿意捐助善款,他们将非常欢迎。 史蒂夫说,选址问题相对复杂。他说,希望将纪念碑建在伦敦市中心。如果建在很远的郊区,人们需要乘坐火车去参观,那就难以达到设立纪念碑的目的。他透露,已经向伦敦不同区政府提交了5个地点申请,但是没有得到积极回复。他坦言,如果直接购买一块地皮可能更加容易,但是这在伦敦市中心完全不可能,只能向有关区政府免费申请一块公共用地。史蒂夫和同事们都没有做过类似工作,完全是“边做边学”,这其中有很多复杂的技术和法律因素。他们最近又物色了3个新的地点,希望在英国中央政府的支持下,能尽快申请下来。 史蒂夫说,希望能够按照既定目标,在2017年8月14日,中国对德宣战100周年时,使纪念碑落成,以使人们永记华工为一战胜利作出的贡献。 (本报伦敦12月12日电 本报驻伦敦记者 林卫光)
A Christmas thank you to all our friends and supporters
It’s the year of the Monkey and we’re warned to expect mischief! Seems a little mischief has found itself into this years season’s greetings from the Ensuring We Remember Campaign Team. On behalf of the Strategic Partners, volunteers and specialists a heartfelt thanks to all our friends and supporters this Christmas. May your dreams for …
作者:本报记者 林卫光《光明日报》(2016年12月12日 12版) 【特别关注】 提起第一次世界大战,人们往往首先想到英法军队在西线战场与德军的殊死战斗,更加熟悉马恩河、索姆河、凡尔登这几场伤亡无数的战役,而对于“一战中国劳工军团”这个名字却相对陌生或者闻所未闻。一战期间,大约15万中国人远涉重洋,来到欧洲西线战场,给英法军队提供后勤保障,用汗水甚至生命为一战的胜利作出了自己的贡献。然而,战争结束后,这个人群很快便被无意或者有意地忘却。英国现存的4.3万座一战纪念碑中,没有一座是为他们而立的。为改变这种不公正的状况,英国华人发起了一场名为“确保我们永记”的全国性运动,要在英国为一战华工竖立一座纪念碑。 这场运动的倡导者是在英国颇具影响力的华裔政治家陈德良先生。陈德良是英国华人参政的典型代表,曾在2009年当选大伦敦地区红桥市市长,是英国历史上第一位华人市长。2014年,他被任命为英女王副官。 “竖立这座纪念碑的目的,是为了还一战华工一个公道。”陈德良在办公室接受光明日报记者采访时这样说。他告诉记者:一战华工在英国4.3万座一战纪念碑中没有一席之地;英国在一战之后颁发了60万枚战争奖章,大部分人得到的是银质奖章,中国劳工拿到的却只是铜质奖章,而且,中国劳工的奖章与别人不同,上面没有名字,只有一个工作代号;他和同事们在英国各地的调研中发现了数十个华工墓碑,也没有名字,只有代号。他认为,一战华工应该在英国得到更好的待遇。 陈德良说,竖立纪念碑的意义,不仅有纪念一战华工这一群体的历史意义,也有提高华人在英国地位的现实意义,将有助于让更多的英国人了解中国人在一战中为英国作出的贡献,增强英国人对华人的理解和尊重。 陈德良在1996年与英国上议院首位华人勋爵曾秋坤创立了“英国华人社会论坛”,旨在提高华人地位,并让华人了解“政府的哪些政策变化可能会影响到他们”。在这场“立碑运动”中,“英国华人社会论坛”是牵头组织,另外还有9个与华人有关的组织参与其中。 论坛的现任主席史蒂夫·刘负责了大量具体事务。他告诉光明日报记者,参与的组织中囊括了英国保守党、工党、自由民主党三大主流政党的华人分支机构。他开玩笑地说,这些机构因为政见不同,平常争吵不断,“立碑运动”是第一次让他们坐在一起,为同一个目标而努力。 史蒂夫出生在英国,父亲来自香港,母亲是英国人。记者在伦敦泰晤士河南岸的一座办公楼里见到了他。他虽有一个中文名字——刘中庆,却完全是西方人长相,仅仅会非常有限的中文。他持有英国护照,但是每提到中国时,都充满感情地说“我们的国家”。他向记者透露,这场“立碑运动”引起了个别英国人对他的误解,甚至有人用“反英”的字眼来指责他。但是,他说自己没有反对任何人的意愿,只是为了寻求公正。“我们的‘立碑运动’,并非是为了对任何人指手画脚和批评指责,只是为了承认和纪念。” 为了更好地动员各方面力量,史蒂夫做了大量基础调研工作。在英国国内,他在国家档案馆查询了相关资料,与对一战华工有一定研究的英国杜伦大学进行了交流,接触了当年在山东招募华工的英国人的后代。在国外,他前往华工的登船地点中国山东,搜集第一手资料,还3次前往香港,与著有一战华工相关书籍的英国作家格里高利·詹姆斯会面,并与加拿大一部华工题材纪录片的导演保持沟通。大量的调研工作,使史蒂夫成为这一问题名副其实的专家。 他介绍,英、法在一战初期大量人员损失后意识到,战争将是持久战,获胜的关键将是看谁能在前线部署更多的作战力量。为了解放国内人手,英、法将视线投向中国,法国从中国以合同形式雇用了5万名劳工,英国则雇用了9.6万人。尽管英国人最初承诺,不会把华工派往前线,但是他们在到达英国后,几乎全部被派往法国战场。 在战争中,华工承担了搬运货物、建造营房、挖掘战壕、装填沙袋、铺设铁路、修建公路等重体力工作。战争结束后,绝大多数华工没能在第一时间顺利回国,而是被留下继续清理战场,例如填埋弹坑、挖掘哑弹、收卷铁丝网、掩埋尸体等。“充满讽刺意味的是,华工把牺牲的英国军人埋在了专门的战争公墓以备后人纪念,却没有人为他们修建一座纪念碑来记住他们为英国作出的贡献。”史蒂夫说。 对于有多少华工在一战中失去生命,陈德良说难以找到可靠的数字。华工有的命丧前线,有的死于当时肆虐欧洲的“西班牙流感”,还有人在战后留下来挖掘哑弹被炸死。另外,有些人还没有抵达欧洲就死在路上。1917年2月17日,一艘载有中国劳工的船只在前往法国途中,在地中海被德国舰艇击沉,543人丧生。英国此后不得不改变华工运输线路,华工从山东出发后,改为向东穿过太平洋,再乘坐车厢封闭的火车穿越加拿大,然后乘船经大西洋抵达英国和法国。艰苦的运输条件,使不少人命丧途中。陈德良还指出,有很多华工尽管在战后平安返乡,但是留下了严重的心理疾病。 (本报伦敦12月11日电 本报驻伦敦记者 林卫光)
Making Good on a Promise
Today Her Majesty the Queen will lead the country in the annual act of remembrance at the Cenotaph in London. Such scenes will play out not just across this country, but around the world. We, like so many others, will renew the promise, “We Will Remember Them”.
Countdown to China’s Great War centenary
Today’s our second anniversary. We launched the Ensuring We Remember Campaign on the 14th August 2014. It wasn’t a random date, it marked the 97th anniversary of China formally joining the allies as a belligerent in the Great War. From today, 14th August 2016 through to 13th August 2017 we will be remembering the men …
CiBF sends congratulatory message to Her Majesty the Queen
The Chinese in Britain Forum, lead body of the Ensuring We Remember Campaign, sent a congratulatory message to Her Majesty the Queen on the occasion of Her Majesty’s ninetieth birthday. The Private Secretary of Her Majesty the Queen, Buckingham Palace, London, SW1A 1AA. 11 June 2016 Dear Sir, I write on behalf of The …
“Stop dredging up things from the past”
It is an interesting turn of events to find that the main backlash against the Campaign has been from those who consider it to be “white-bashing”, by people who suggest “white people are not there merely for the convenience of others”, and, “as a minority”, to “expect to be offended”. To them, we show a lack …
Mayor of London Candidate supports the Campaign
We are indebted to London Mayoral Candidate Sadiq Khan for his election pledge to support the Chinese Labour Corps memorial campaign. In a Chinese New Year statement, Sadiq Khan states, As your Mayor I will: Support the Chinese community’s call for a London Memorial for the 95,000 Chinese Labour Corps members, whose contribution to Britain …

Artefacts Donated to the Campaign
It seems timely to give a reminder of our policy on artefacts that are donated to the Campaign. Through a partnership with Durham University’s Oriental Museum we have found a wonderful place where any artefacts donated will not only be used for both exhibitions to the general public and as teaching resources for University courses, …
A correction, an apology and a thank you
In our previous blog, Remembering the 543 men of the SS Athos, we made the following assertion: 543 Chinese labourers recruited by the French lost their lives. At this point it was the practice of the French not to record names of their recruits. Following this disaster, at the demands of the Chinese government, names …

Remembering the 543 men of the SS Athos
It was on this day 1917 that a French registered ship, the SS Athos (pictured), was sunk by a German u-boat attack in the Mediterranean, tantalisingly close to their final port of call, Marseilles. 543 Chinese labourers recruited by the French lost their lives. At this point it was the practice of the French not …

Tom Watson MP, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party recognises and supports campaign
Our thanks to Tom Watson MP, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party for highlighting the need to recognise the contribution of the Chinese Labour Corps at a speech during an event to mark the Chinese New Year. Thanks too to Chinese for Labour, one of the Campaign’s Strategic Partners.
Consultation on memorial design begins
As we move from preparatory stages of the memorial to the design and commissioning stage we are now starting consultation on the proposed memorial. At this point we have not secured a site for the memorial, but feel we should have a “proposed design option” in order to be able to fit within the timeframe. …
Significance of the Campaign
In the third of our Campaign insight’s marking the first anniversary of the Campaign we are releasing an extract from the Project Proposal, written back in the winter of 2013. It explores the potential significance of the Campaign on the British Chinese community. SIGNIFICANCE This project represents the largest coalition of Chinese community organisations in …
Our Objectives
In the second of our Campaign insights being released to mark one year since the launch of our Campaign we are taking a look at the Campaign objectives. This excerpt is taken from the introductory section to the Memorandum of Undersanding that each Strategic Partner signs. Ensuring We Remember, is a national campaign for a …

One Year Old Today!
The Campaign is one year old today. To mark this milestone we will be releasing some “insider” knowledge on the campaign today and over the coming week. Today we share some insights into the reach of our website. In the 365 days since launch we have reached almost 100,000 people, and served over a quarter …
In memory of John “Jack” Johnstone
Private M1/5741 John “Jack” Johnstone, committed suicide on the 7th July 1916. Why it is hard to even guess a reason. Perhaps it was because of the date, he killed himself soon after the opening of the Battle of the Somme. Jack was only 21 he had his life in front of him. He was …
A comment on the campaign
It has taken a century for the truth to be acknowledged. Mark O’Neil, Chinese in Britain plan monument to World War One workers
Misleading statement corrected.
At the launch of the campaign the Chair of the Strategic Partnership Board, Steve Lau, delivered a speech in which he said, Over 6,000,000 medals were awarded after the war. Let’s forget that the Chinese received bronze rather than the silver medals everyone else got. All of those 6,000,000 medals had the name of the recipient …
I signed the petition because…
I am British of of chinese descent so am interested from that angle but more importantly this will widen the number of british citizens to have a more personal connection to the various remembrance celebrations that are held each year. I have always supported and attended services but in the context of general respect but …
End of year update.
Many plans are in the process of being developed, not least of all the hunt for a suitable site for our memorial – the is not an easy task. We continue to work with our friends at Durham University’s Oriental Museum for a major exhibition in 2017, plans which are increasingly taking an international dimension, …
Campaign gets its first mention in Parliament.
Liberal Democrat MP Martin Harwood has specifically mentioned our campaign for a UK memorial to the 96,000 men of the Chinese Labour Corps. Mr Harwood stated, We have undervalued contributions such as that of the 96,000 members of the Chinese Labour Corps during the first world war. And went on to say, “They behaved with …
Why we don’t have a design for the memorial
We are asked about the design for the memorial fairly regularly. The simple truth is, we don’t have one. However, there is a reason, and it is as follows. In order to build a memorial we will need two things as a starting point. The first is a site. The second a design. Why we …

What we will do with artefacts donated to the Campaign
Donations to the campaign will given to the Oriental Museum of Durham University. Potential donors are always made aware of this. Why? The Campaign organisers recognise that objects of historical significance not only need specialist care but also should be made as widely available as possible. This is a fine balancing act. We have no …
Message of Support from Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport
We are delighted to receive the following message of support from the Right Honourable Sajid Javid MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.
Message of Support from Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister, Leader of the Liberal Democrats
We are delighted to have received the following message from the Right Honourable Nick Clegg MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the Liberal Democrats.
Message of Support from Ed Miliband, Leader of the Labour Party
We are delighted to have received the message of support below from the Right Honourable Ed Miliband MP, leader of the Labour Party.
Why I signed the petition…
My great grand father died in the service of the Labour corps. Mark, Craven Arms Sign the Petition here.
Why I signed the petition…
I’m signing because I didn’t realise the role China had played in ww1 until recently, and that is wrong. Rachel, London Sign the Petition here.
Why I signed the petition…
These guys deserve official recognition for their sterling work and the suffering they endured. Charles, Bamber Bridge Sign the Petition here.

Source of war dead records
Each day we publish an In Memoriam, detailing the names of those men of the Chinese Labour Corps who died on that day. Currently we are using the lists of names and their dates of deaths provided by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. It is generally believed that a significant number who died have not …

What we mean when we say, “We Remember Them”.
Each day we record the names of those members of the Chinese Labour Corps whose anniversary of their death falls on that day. Numbers vary, and so far its been as low as two and as high as eleven – though you must bear in mind that these deaths fall over a period of three …

Campaign Lapel Pin
[le_product] The Ensuring We Remember Campaign team invite you to support the campaign by wearing one of our campaign lapel pins. Made of nickel and enamel, the pin has the feel and look of quality, and its simplistic elegance will not look out of place whatever you’re wearing. We hope as many people will wear …

The Campaign Logo
Our logo design takes a quite deliberate industrial look for the background, symbolising labour. A forget-me-not flower is imposed on top, and is intended to be an all embracing aspirational message – that all members of the Chinese Labour Corps be remembered. No wording is used, but there is a very simple inscription: …
Maintaining a balanced perspective
This letter appeared in The Guardian in response to Maev Kennedy’s coverage of our launch. Your account understated how horrendously these 95,000 Chinese were treated, as were 40,000 under French control. As Xu Guoqi revealed in his book Strangers on the Western Front: Chinese Workers in the Great War, members of the Chinese Labour Corps who survived …
Why it matters…
Why it matters. In an occasional series of articles, we ask people involved in the Campaign to tell us why it matters, Steve Lau writes in his capacity as Chair of the Chinese in Britain Forum, the Campaign’s lead body. —– To embark upon such a venture as the Ensuring We Remember Campaign isn’t done …

Speech by Steve Lau, Chair of the Strategic Partnership Board
The following is the text of the speech by Steve Lau, Chair of the Strategic Partnership Board which was given at the launch of the Ensuring We Remember Campaign. My Lord, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. It is with a sense of great honour and privilege to stand before you today to announce the launch …
Making a financial contribution
We understand that we are in a period of austerity, and so we are particularly grateful to those supporters who are willing and able to make a financial contribution. If you are not in a position to do so, then please consider the other ways you can support this campaign. We explain here the numerous …
Campaign Launch
Today the Ensuring We Remember site is officially launched. This is our main Campaign video. Please enjoy and share.
Campaign Petition now open. Please sign.
The Campaign Petition can be found here. Please do consider signing it and letting your friends know about it.