Liberal Democrat MP Martin Harwood has specifically mentioned our campaign for a UK memorial to the 96,000 men of the Chinese Labour Corps. Mr Harwood stated,
We have undervalued contributions such as that of the 96,000 members of the Chinese Labour Corps during the first world war.
And went on to say,
“They behaved with complete heroism and lost thousands of their number, but they were treated pretty disgracefully at the time and, equally disgracefully, their heroism and contribution to this country during the first world war have been neglected.”
Mr Harwood finished his commons on the Chinese labour Corps by saying,
A broad-based campaign is seeking to rectify that omission and obtain a memorial in this country to the Chinese Labour Corps. I hope that will attract Government support.
Our thanks to Mr Martin Harwood MP for his appreciation of the historical facts, and the recognition he has afforded the campaign in the British parliament.