By Debit/Credit card or Paypal Payments

Donations can be made online by Credit or Debit Card, or Paypal. You will be directed to our GiftAid declaration form after you’ve made the donation.

A note for those who wish to donate using a credit or debit card:
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By Bank Transfer

Our bank details are as follows:

Barclays Bank, Charing Cross Branch
Sort Code: 20-71-64
A/c number: 20675156
A/c name: The Chinese in Britain Forum

Please put the reference “CLC (plus your postcode)”

Please complete a GiftAid form if you are a UK taxpayer.

By Cheque or Cash at a branch of Barclays

Please use the details above, and be sure to complete the reference on the paying in slip as  “CLC (plus your postcode)”

Please complete a GiftAid form if you are a UK taxpayer.

By Post

Cheques can be sent to our offices, but please do not send cash. When sending a cheque please write “CLC (plus your postcode)” on the back.

The Chinese in Britian Forum (CLC Campaign)
Basement, 2 Gerrard Place

Please complete a GiftAid form if you are a UK taxpayer.

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