Our thanks to a donation of £600 from Fuqing Yulong Ai Group and £ 800 from the London School of Management Studies (LSMS) . Our fundraising activities continue:
新春新氣象,狗年旺旺旺!一戰华工建碑計劃感謝福清玉融愛心群£600 及 London School of Management Studies (LSMS) £800的捐助,其他認捐和籌款活動仍在進行中。三月十一日下午二時至五時中英文化交流學會及英國華人詩書畫學會在120 Lower Road London SW16 2UB (Surrey Quays 車站步行兩分鐘,附近也有停車場)舉行藝術家及書畫家聯展,演出及義賣捐募活動,歡迎各位朋友及對中國文化藝術有興趣的朋友蒞臨參加及支持!
March 11, 2018
120 Lower Road London SW16 2UB
(Surrey Quays station 2 mins. parking nearby)
The Sino-British Cultural Exchange Society and the British Chinese Poetry and Calligraphy Society are holding a joint artists and calligraphers exhibition
All welcome, please do support the event.