By Yellow Earth Theatre and Moongate Productions
Sun, November 11, 2018
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM GMT
Arcola Theatre Studio 2
24 Ashwin Street
E8 3DL
To commemorate Armistice Day and the legacy of the Chinese Labour Corps there will be a panel discussion chaired by Dr Diana Yeh with Steve Lau (Founder of the Ensuring We Remember Campaign), Peng Wenlan (Meridan Society) and Daniel York Loh ( actor and writer of ‘Forgotten 遗忘 ‘).
There will also be an exhibition outside Studio 2 at the Arcola, featuring art pieces created by members of the public in Plymouth and London who participated in community art workshops facilitated by British figurative artist Ben Summers, a curator and art entrepreneur with work currently held in private collections in Ghana, UK, France and the US. The workshops used the provocation of the erasure of the Chinese Labour Corps from the Pantheon de la Guerre painting to explore the expression of what it means to be a migrant through art.
In addition, a special website created by Yellow Earth Theatre and website designer Jess Woo to tell the story of the Chinese Labour Corps will be available for browsing on a computer in the foyer area. Follow the journeys of the Chinese Labour Corps members and learn about their experiences of the war.
Tickets are free but places must be booked in advance.
Presented by Moongate Productions and Yellow Earth Theatre as part of Forgotten CLC, an HLF funded project.
Photo from the WJ Hawkings Collection courtesy of his grandson John de Lucy.