Died this day, the following six men of the Chinese Labour Corps. CH’EN CHIU SHAN ‘91178’ 1918 LI CH’ANG HO ‘17610’ 1918 TS’UI CH’ANG SHENG ‘21342’ 1918 WANG HSUEH SSU ‘29936’ 1919 YEN TS’UN CHUNG ‘98493’ 1919 TO TIEN SHUN ‘43208’ 1919 We Remember Them
Daily Archives: September 22, 2016

The Shanghai War Memorial
Photograph of the 1924 unveiling of the Shanghai War Memorial to the Great War. The memorial was built to commemorate around two hundred Shanghai expats (from the Allies) who died in the Great War. It is worth remembering, of course, that China joined the war on the allied side in late 1917. But this was only …