Making a financial contribution

We understand that we are in a period of austerity, and so we are particularly grateful to those supporters who are willing and able to make a financial contribution. If you are not in a position to do so, then please consider the other ways you can support this campaign.

We explain here the numerous ways we can accept your donation.

By Bank Transfer

Our bank details are as follows:

Barclays Bank, Charing Cross Branch
Sort Code: 20-71-64
A/c number: 20675156
A/c name: The Chinese in Britain Forum

Please put the reference “CLC (plus your postcode)”

By Cheque or Cash at a branch of Barclays

Please use the details above, and be sure to complete the reference on the paying in slip as  “CLC (plus your postcode)”

By Debit/Credit card or Paypal Payments

Payments can be made online. Currently you can donate by Credit or Debit Card, or Paypal. You will be directed to our GiftAid declaration form after you’ve made the donation.

One Response so far.

  1. Gary CHIN says:
    Hi All Concerned with The Chinese Contribution To Grt. Britain in the 20th and 21st Century;

    This is available on the net. Now; even though it was first compiled by; BCSBA in Spring 2012.

    A Forgotten History: British-Chinese Soldiers.

    It is concerned solely with the Royal Hong Kong Armed Forces and has nothing-to-do; with mainland communist China.
    These Professional Soldiers had sworn allegiance to the CROWN and cannot serve Two Masters.
    I will NOT input my own opinion into the matter; since; I am not quite one of them…..
    Therefore; I will leave it to the Reader to Investigate their case; for themselves…

    One other aspect of Chinese Association (Militarily) with the U.K. is the Following;-

    Foreign Office:- FO-371 (Code 10). Piccadilly LONDON. World War Two Theatre,

    It there is: “Personnel”; power that is available from this organisation for further research into the matter; than the hence above should be quite a Primer!

    That is all for now!

    *************Happy New Year Of The Mouse…..Mice are Very Astute Researchers.*******************

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